Newborn Care Specialist
When parents come home with their newborn for the first time, they feel an amazing love and sense of protection for their baby. They want to do everything they can for the baby so that the little one is healthy and happy. But as much as they love their baby, the first few months of the baby’s life can be difficult. As parents also struggle to sleep through the night. That’s where a newborn care specialist can lend help. Newborn care specialists are professionals who offer helpful services to new parents in the care of their newborns.
Below are the major roles of a specialist:
1- The newborn care specialist’s major role is to offer assistance after the parents bring their baby home from the hospital. In most cases, this involves setting up a feeding and sleeping schedule, training babies to sleep, and helping with breastfeeding.
A lot of the specialist’s focus in the first weeks is to get the baby on the proper eating and sleeping schedule. After all, those two things are what babies do most in the first weeks of life. Getting them on schedule ensures a healthy and happy baby.
2- The specialist usually works the night shift with the baby. They help get her used to sleeping all night while the parents get a full night’s rest. When the baby wakes, the specialist will feed the baby by a bottle or bring the mother to nurse her. After she is fed, the baby is changed, burped, and put back to bed.
3- The specialist offers similar care during the day time and also creates a stimulating and nurturing environment for the baby. The specialist will document the patterns and maintain a log of feeding, sleeping, and changing times.
4- The specialist is there to educate and support the parents. Many new/first time parents do not have the knowledge or experience to take care of their baby. The specialist answers their questions & educates them about breastfeeding, swaddling, sleeping, and changing. This helps in building confidence in new parents to take care of their baby.

Most newborn care specialists work with new parents for up to three months. Beyond that, some specialists may stay on and help the parents with:
- Sleep training beyond three months and help them keep infants and toddlers sleeping all night.
- Assistance with reflux and colic problems and help them deal with the baby’s GER/GERD.
- Taking care of twins or triplets and dealing with more than one baby at a time.
- Perform consultations regarding any newborn issues that come up.
Now that you understand what newborn care specialists do, you can decide if their services may be of use to you. Are you thinking about hiring a newborn care specialist?
I haven’t hired any new born specialist with my kids but yes, I have seen a couple of my friends doing that. It is always better to have a helping hand during the initial days of motherhood.
I guess we should have a new born specialist who can help us in intial days of motherhood . I didn’t hire but i guess now i can guide other parents and tell them to read this article .
Well during my time it was my mom who was my specialist , helped me with everything.. It’s good to know that now we have new born care specialist mom’s can rest.
I didnt hire anyone but i do believe a little help would always be welcome as long as its not affecting the special bonding that a mother and child are supposed to share.
Though I have not done this, yes, many of my friends have newborn specialists and you have shared the right pointers on why and how much they are important!!
Yes if your mom is not around, it is always better to have a helping hand so you’re not stressed out in the first three months.
In the current times when people are living in nuclear family set ups, a specialist is an absolute must-have! Very helpful to have one around to help, teach and guide with the new born.
This is so interesting! I honestly did not know there was a special designation for this job! We just turned to our parents, friends and books for information on this crucial period of our baby’s life.
When I had both my kids, I had not hired any help. I had my family to help me through my time. But such new born help is really good for moms who are managing things alone n need help n support with their kids.
I guess every new mom should now take aid of a new born specialist based on your exhaustive post about them Neha.
New born care specialists are surely a boon when we don’t have any adults to guide us at that crucial stage of life.
I really wish I had a newborn care specialist when my son was born. I really needed someone to help me with his sleep pattern. Lucky moms these days 🙂
Nice article
Thank you.
I had not heard about this concept before. I agree new born requires special care and new parents may feel overwhelmed with many responsibility all together. I believe new born care specialist can ease their anxiety and help them in taking care of their new born effectively.
I wish I could get and rely on a newborn care specialist for my kids too. Professional expertise is definitely better than getting unsolicited advice from all and sundry. This should be very helpful!
Much valuable information I wish we had any idea of this when daughter was born we did not hire any special expert services waiver learn on the job but with the fast-paced world such handy tips and expert get is always welcome
These are very helpful tips. Took me back to my own new mother days. The positive formation of sleep training habit posy 6 months is actually apt…I would say for the first 6 months, while the baby is on breastfeed/breast-formula/formula, the sleeping pattern is usually disturbed.
I wish I knew about this 7 years back when I had to face many difficulties without any help. This is going to make lives of new moms so easy. I will share this with my friends right away..
Thanks for sharing this.
I never hired a professional but it does sound like a great idea to me. It’s always nice to have do things for you and help you especially in those early days.
Thanks for the write up! Very informative