Is there a Painless way to check Blood Sugar for managing Diabetes?

Painless way to monitor your glucose levels

Diabetes (Type 2) is the most common lifestyle disease nowadays. In simple words, we say, a person with diabetes has high blood sugar levels. And, this high blood sugar can lead to many health problems. However, diabetes can be managed. The first step to managing diabetes is glucose monitoring. Recently I got to know about the painless way to check blood sugar. Yes, Glucose Monitoring Can Be Pain-free!

I had a chance to attend an event on “Living Fully With Diabetes” where the speakers talked about how Continuous Glucose Monitoring help monitor glucose levels effectively. I got to learn about a device that makes glucose monitoring pain-free.

This event was organized by the Blogchatter team and they invited actor Jay Bhanushali to share his experience as a caregiver to his mother who is a diabetic for the last 10 years.

How to Manage Diabetes?

My husband is living with diabetes for the last 5 years but we still struggle to manage it effectively. He was diagnosed during a routine health check-up arranged by his company for all their employees. He had high blood sugar and was immediately asked to meet the doctor and get all the tests done. And, next came high blood pressure and high cholesterol. That day changed our lives.

Being a caregiver to my husband, I understand the challenges that come with it. And, I can say that living with diabetes is not easy at all. The fight starts with accepting the fact that you have diabetes and now your whole life and the way you live is going to change. It does not just affect the person with diabetes but also everyone else in the family.

However, the doctor assured us that if we take care of a few things, they can be managed easily.

Here are the things he emphasized on, to manage diabetes and to reduce the risk of complications.

1- Healthy Diet 

We were given a list of food items that my husband can eat. The doctor pointed out the importance of having a balanced diet. He talked about eating healthy food in the right amounts and at the right times. We were also asked to meet a dietician to devise a meal plan for him.

2- Physical Activity

When my husband was diagnosed, he was in the overweight category. So, the doctor asked him to focus on achieving a healthy weight by including 1 hour of physical activity in his daily routine. So, he started taking stairs instead of choosing the elevator or escalator. He even bought a bicycle to ride to his office. Within a year, he was able to maintain a healthy weight.

You may also read – 5 Simple Cardio Exercises Best Suited for Beginners!

Diabetes can be managed effectively by continuous glucose monitoring. Read here to know about the painless way to check blood sugar.


3- Timely Medication

Since there is no cure for diabetes, medicines become an essential part of managing diabetes. So, one has to take medicines on time. Additionally, the doctor emphasized on not skipping the medicine even if the blood sugar levels are within limits.

4- Regular Glucose Monitoring

Glucose monitoring is the most important part of managing diabetes. Our doctor suggested we buy a glucometer and check the blood sugar at regular intervals to keep a tab on the glucose levels. This is the toughest part I feel because it is no joke pricking your fingers every 3-4 hours. My husband doesn’t like that part at all, so many times he skips testing just to avoid the prick. Especially while we are traveling.

Living Fully With Diabetes

During the event, Jay Bhanushali talked about how he takes care of his mother’s diet and exercise. I agree with his point that people with diabetes go through various emotions so, as primary caregivers, we need to understand what they are going through.

My husband gets too demotivated on days, he sees his glucose reading is too high. That’s when I have to jump in and be there with him.

Diabetes can be managed effectively by continuous glucose monitoring. Read here to know about the painless way to check blood sugar.

During the event, Jay also shared about the continuous glucose monitoring device, FreeStyle Libre, which his mother is using. I found it quite impressive as there’s no painful pricking involved. One has to place the sensor on their arm and use the reader to scan their glucose readings. Another best part is that it can be worn for up to 14 days.

Know more about FreeStyle Libre and Continuous Glucose Monitoring, click here:

You can buy FreeStyle Libre here.


Diabetes can be managed effectively if one takes care of their diet, exercise, sleep, stress levels, and takes timely medicines. And, of course, monitors their blood sugar constantly.

Disclaimer – This is a sponsored post.


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  1. blank
    Paresh Godhwani May 2, 2022 at 10:54 pm - Reply

    This FreeStyle Libre seems to be a great device of monitoring sugar levels. These days watches are monitoring oxygen levels and the heartbeats, so why not glucose levels. I agree with you on all the points you have mentioned to manage diabetes. Will try this painless way soon.

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    Aesha Shah May 3, 2022 at 6:41 pm - Reply

    Agree that lifestyle matters the most to manage diabetes. Both my mother and mother in law are diabetic, so me and my husband are also careful about our lifestyle choices. we get our routine yearly check up done to be prepared.

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    Kapila May 4, 2022 at 1:54 pm - Reply

    FreeStyle Libre is such a revolutionary device to help a diabetic to monitor their sugar levels and lead and healthier life without the pain of pricking every time

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    Prerna Wahi May 5, 2022 at 11:22 pm - Reply

    This is a revolutionary product. Will try it for my parents too.

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    Manisha Garg May 6, 2022 at 7:58 am - Reply

    Monitoring is the key in Diabetes and pricking a big pain for the patients, thanks for sharing about Freestyle Libre will check for my parents too.

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    Alpana Deo May 6, 2022 at 9:59 pm - Reply

    Luckily my parents so not have diabetes. But I will share it among friends. Pricking is painful but with this product, this problem is also solved.

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    Harjeet Kaur May 7, 2022 at 12:58 pm - Reply

    Exercise and diet go hand in hand for diabetics. I have a glucometer that I have to prick my finger and press out the blood for the reading. This glucometer from Abbot sound cool. There is no pricking and it’s easy to use for any age.
    Thank you for sharing this info,

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    Surbhi Prapanna May 8, 2022 at 3:39 am - Reply

    I had missed the event hosted by blogchatter. but thank you so much to you for sharing all details. diabetes is a serious disease that require medication and lifestyle modification both. it is great that now we have painless ways to check blog sugar. will check this device for my father.

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    Cindy Dsilva May 8, 2022 at 10:54 pm - Reply

    Wow a non pricking way to check for diabetics is a blessing. Will check this for my friend who is diabetic for a while now. Thanks to blogchatter and you for bringing this to light.

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    SwatiMathur May 9, 2022 at 9:17 am - Reply

    Pricking could be too painful, Freestyle Libre seems to a great relief for people who are suffering from diabetes . Again good diet, regular exercise with timely medication can definitely help.

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    Afreen Ansari May 9, 2022 at 11:08 am - Reply

    Woww painless pricking for checking the glucose level is an absolute saviour. The product seems interesting and beneficial to use

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    Shilpa Garg May 9, 2022 at 3:37 pm - Reply

    My father had diabetes when he had Covid, 2 years ago, so we had to use the Glucometer with needle to check his glucose level and it was painful not only for him but for us too. The pain-free method of glucose monitoring is a boon. Thanks for sharing about it!

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      Outset Books May 11, 2022 at 4:18 pm - Reply

      I have witnessed several instances where diabetes has become a silent killer. Hence getting it checked regularly is important.

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    MeenalSonal May 9, 2022 at 4:40 pm - Reply

    Living with diabetes surely changes the lifestyle of the house. Good to know about the product that has painless way of monitoring the sugar levels.

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    Roma May 9, 2022 at 7:57 pm - Reply

    It if so good to know about this sensor love, my brother and mil both are diabetic, I yell surely check it out for them buddy

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    Jyoti May 9, 2022 at 11:34 pm - Reply

    Wow so good to know about this new sensor . I will definitely recommend my mom as she is diabetic patient

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    Yogita Joshi May 10, 2022 at 11:00 am - Reply

    Painful pricking is the most annoying part of monitoring glucose levels. I am glad that there is new product, free style libre that helps in continuous glucose monitoring without pricking. Very informative post

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    Jhilmil D Saha May 10, 2022 at 10:35 pm - Reply

    I am a type 2 diabetic and yes maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise keeps it in check. I am happy to know about Freestyle libre. and would surely go this painless way.

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    Dr. Mathans February 29, 2024 at 6:49 pm - Reply

    This Post extremely radiant. I really like this post. It is outstanding compared to other posts I’ve read in quite a while.

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